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D-Ivy College is a private co-educational institution founded in 1998.
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D Ivy Sixth Form College (DSFC) is a trading name for D Ivy College Limited. D-Ivy Sixth Form College has a long track record of delivering the best A level results and one of the very first to do it.
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The College offers internationally recognised sixth form qualifications to Nigerian secondary school leavers and D-ivy College has the activity of School,College, And is located at Plot 5, Wempco Road - Lagos Have any question?
Welcome With more than 20 years of experience, over 50 affiliated universities in the UK, USA, Canada and beyond, and thousands of student placements in leading universities across the world, D-IVY Sixth Form College is your best choice for successful university admissions abroad. View our admission process Our Programs and Pathways:
D-Ivy College is a private co-educational institution founded in 1998. Its objective is to provide in Nigeria a high level of well-rounded quality education comparable to what is available in the best schools in any part of the English-speaking world. D-Ivy College is a school located in Lagos, Nigeria. It was established in 1998 to provide an international education. The school is a co-educational boarding and day school for children aged from 3 to 18 years.
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D-Ivy College is a private co-educational institution founded in 1998. Its objective is to provide in Nigeria a high level of well-rounded quality education comparable to what is available in the… D-Ivy College | 87 followers on LinkedIn. D-Ivy College is a private co-educational institution founded in 1998.
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T: +234 807 975 3302 , +234 803 356 8390 E: admin@d-ivycollege.com The quality of learning at D-Ivy College is a testament to the expertise and commitment of all the staff at the school. Our teachers, Heads of Department, members of the leadership teams along with Support Staff are able to share ideas, experience and best practice with fellow colleagues, feeding into and enhancing the learning experience at D-Ivy College. D-Ivy College, Ota, Ogun Sate 153, Ilo-Awela Road, Toll Gate, Ota, Ogun State.
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T: +234 807 975 3302 , +234 803 356 8390 E: admin@d-ivycollege.com D-Ivy CollegeEdit Listing. 153 Ilo - Awela, Toll Gate, Ota, Ogun state. 0803 356 8390, 0805 353 0815, 0817 021 3119.
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