The Meanings of Swedish dra 'pulP: A Case Study of - Euralex


English to Swedish Dictionary - Meaning of With regard to in

referred; referring Legal Definition of refer : to send or direct for treatment, aid, service, information, or decision referred the debtor to an attorney with expertise in bankruptcy specifically : commit sense 1c To relate or pertain to something previously mentioned or seen. The image of the flowers refers back to the scene at the beginning of the film. The senator was referring back to the speech she gave in May. 3. To submit something back to some person or group of … refer. (rĭ-fĕr′, rē-) [L. referre, to bring back] 1.

Referring meaning

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"lines" in this case is different to the meaning you understand (although I think the origin of the idiom "along these lines", which is the meaning you're after, is connected). If you think of the department as having a line of fiction writers facing a line of systemic scholars, these are the "lines" that the department is split by (a line of similar types). 2015-08-07 vb ( often foll by to) , -fers, -ferring or -ferred. 1. ( intr) to make mention (of) 2.

Halland's regional flower.

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What is referring: Present participle of refer.. Synonyms: blurring, concurring, conferring, deferring, demurring, deterring, during, incurring,   referring: Present participle of refer . Support. Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word referring here.

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Referring meaning

See more. Definition of refer. transitive verb. 1 a (1) : to think of, regard, or classify within a general category or group.

Referring meaning

referring to. angående. refill. fylla på. refill bag.

Referring meaning

to direct to a source for help or information. The church claimed Lucifer was a reference to the devil, but the brotherhood insisted Lucifer was intended in its literal Latin meaning-bringer of light. I have a question for you. I saw some cartoons and don't know what they mean 1.(referring to a man) Han är alltid på g.

Gilbert  The origins of this nickname, which means “water of life” in Latin, soldier” to refer to empty beer bottles that remained after a night of drinking,  A subsidiary meaning refers to the relationship that a person without their own household In the Danish and Low German translations of GL, words referring to  Gray (1800-1875), may have understood attenuata to mean “sharp” because he referred to this species as the sharp-beaked dolphin.
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what are you referring to translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'what for',so what!',what about',what's what', examples, definition, conjugation Grammar You always refer to someone or something: He referred to my letter. Don’t say: He referred about my letter. | He referred my letter. 2 LOOK FOR to look at a book, map, piece of paper etc for information He gave the speech without referring to his notes. 3 ABOUT if a statement, number, report etc refers to someone or something, it is about that person or thing The figures refer to our It should be made clearer that the draft general comment was referring to actual limitations, such as the possibility of a trial being closed, in order to avoid misunderstandings.

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( intr) to seek information (from): I referred to a dictionary of English usage; he referred to his notes. Refer definition, to direct for information or anything required: He referred me to books on astrology. See more. Definition of refer. transitive verb. 1 a (1) : to think of, regard, or classify within a general category or group. (2) : to explain in terms of a general cause.

to use grym in a positive sense, meaning something like 'cool' and referring to people,  av Å Viberg · 2008 · Citerat av 3 — central meaning of the Swedish verb åka, non-self-propelled motion. In most cases where ride is used with reference to traveling in a conveyance, åka is used in  A reference to “Annex” in this report is refering to the Commission Staff Working is to be interpreted as meaning that the term 'first entry' in that provision refers,  I was trying to understand their exact meaning but I need some more help. you use the pronoun "den" when referring to a word with the "en"  Referring court. Högsta domstolen.