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Travel safe, at affordable prices, with our modern buses with free … Arriva je vodeći hrvatski i jedan od najvećih europskih autobusnih prijevoznika, koji djeluje u 14 zemalja. Putuj povoljno i sigurno, modernim autobusima s besplatnom WiFi uslugom i … Arriva ist führend in Kroatien und einer der größten europäischen Busunternehmen in 14 Ländern. Reisen Sie sicher, zu erschwinglichen Preisen, mit unseren modernen Bussen mit kostenlosem WiFi und Steckdosen. Buchen Sie Ihr Ticket online!

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Arriva is the leading pan-European public transport operator. Last year we delivered nearly 2.1 billion passenger journeys across 14 countries. We are focused on growing our existing business through contract wins and acquisitions and encouraging more customers to choose to travel with us.

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Arriva bus croatia

Siden da er Bus Danmark, Combus, Wulff Bus, Veolia Danmark og Pan Bus blevet en del af Arriva, der i dag er Danmarks største busoperatør. Putovanje autobusom u Hrvatskoj. Autobusna povezanost u Hrvatskoj je odlična; autobusom se može doći do svih gradova i manjih mjesta. Nakon izgradnje autoceste, autobusni prijevoz je jako dobar odabir prijevoza Oavsett vilket, erbjuder Arriva ett flertal moderna och säkra transportlösningar som ser till så att du kommer fram till din destination. Kanske någon av våra miljövänliga bussar från depåerna i Sundbyberg, Spånga, Märsta, Norrort eller Ekerö passar för din resa? Huvudkontor. Arriva Sverige AB Sicklastråket 4, 3 tr 131 54 Nacka.

Arriva bus croatia

Totalt har busslinje mellan Zagreb och Krk fått betyg 35 gånger. IDAGIMORGON. 09:15Porec, Bus terminal. 5h 45min Arriva - Autotrans.
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Arriva bus croatia

Avenija Marina Držića 4, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia | Travel agency.

Services; Map; Vehicles; 1 Gillingham Gate - Chatham Railway Station 2 Chatham Maritime Dockside Outlet - Chatham Railway Station Rejs ekstra billigt i vinterferien med Arriva OneDay Vinterferien er lige om hjørnet, og selvom hverdagen endnu ikke er som vi kender den, så har du stadig mulighed for at komme på togtur med Arriva. We operate in 14 European countries and provide a range of services including bus, train, tram, ferry, and car and bike sharing. Every day, 46,000 Arriva employees provide customers with high quality and cost effective services that meet their needs.
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For more than 65 years Croatia bus d.o.o. has been transporting people to destinations in and outside of Croatia..

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Arriva is the leading provider of passenger transport in Croatia, running a wide What amenities are available on Arriva Croatia buses? Arriva Croatia buses have a bathroom on board, especially on longer journeys. On many buses, sockets offer the possibility to charge your cell phone. You can then use the free WiFi to inform your friends and family about the current location on some buses from Arriva Croatia. Arriva (former Autotrans) is the leading scheduled coach service operator in western and coastal Croatia and a member of the international corporation Arriva by Deutsche Bahn, present in 14 European countries. With frequent and regular bus lines, Autotrans connects about 1,000s of destinations across Croatia, from Zagreb, Rijeka, Split, Zadar, Croatia Bus. In May 2013 Arriva entered the Croatian bus market with the purchase of Panturist Veolia Osijek (Veolia Transport Central Europe) with 120 buses.

2019-01-28 Group Arriva Slovenia is the biggest group of transport companies in Slovenia, providing passenger transport services in urban, suburban and interurban areas, as well as transport services on request and for various institutions. Also a high market share Arriva achieves with its tourist activities. ‎Download our app and book your tickets in a few easy steps from anywhere! Book directly and get the best available price on the market. Arriva is one of Europe’s largest passenger transport operators and the number one private bus operator in Croatia.