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Hallmark Meaning in English to Urdu is مستند, as written in Urdu and Mustand, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Hallmark which include Badge, Certification, Device, Emblem, Endorsement, Indication, Mark, Ratification, Seal, Sign, Signet, Stamp, Trademark, Sure Sign, Telltale Sign, etc. Pronunciation roman Urdu is "Alamat" and Translation of Mark in Urdu writing script is علامت. Mark is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Mark meaning, Mark word synonyms, and its similar words. Mark meaning in Urdu is علامت and Mark word meaning in roman can write as Alamat.

Trademark meaning in urdu

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2 of 2. حکمت بھرا Hikmat Bahra : Cerebral Intellectual : (adjective) involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct. Urdu. அ. अ. ಅ.

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علامت. آثار. trade·mark (trād′märk′) n. 1.

Trademark meaning in urdu

Remark Meaning in Urdu; Remark Meaning in Urdu 1366. English Roman Urdu اردو remark: ghoor karna غور کرنا Definition & Synonyms. Remark. the act of noticing or paying attention. Synonyms. assertion, certification, Comment, commentary, declaration, input, marginal What does urdu mean? An Indic language that is the official literary language of Pakistan, essentially identical to Hindi in its spoken form This video is a must for anyone interested in starting a business to sell a product or offer a service.

Trademark meaning in urdu

Pronunciation roman Urdu is "Aqli" and Translation of Intellectual in Urdu writing script is عَقلی. Intellectual is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Intellectual meaning, Intellectual word synonyms, and its similar words. trademark definition: 1. a name or symbol on a product that shows it was made by a particular company, and that it cannot….
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Trademark meaning in urdu

He couldn't suppress his contemptuous accent. She had a very clear speech pattern. Searchable English to Urdu dictionary. Displays Urdu script without requiring fonts.

a name or symbol on a product that shows it was made by a particular company, and that it cannot….
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RV lot next year because it means it won't be possible for us to realistically ski there. Trademark meaning in Urdu is Registary shudah nishaan. Pronunciation of Trademark in roman Urdu is "Registary shudah nishaan" and Translation of Trademark in Urdu writing script is رجسٹری شدہ نشان. Trademark.

Nida |ندا| Name Meaning In Urdu | Nida Name Ka Matlab | Nida Meaning | UrdufyNida Name Meaning in Urdu || Nida Naam Ka Matlab Kya Hota Hai || Nida Naam Ke Ma Trademark 🔊 Meaning in Urdu.