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and interviews with labour market secretaries at the department and uses Carol Bacchi's WPR approach to explore underlying problematisations and… av M Arvidsson · Citerat av 1 — Inspired by Carol Lee Bacchis' WPR (What´s the Problem Represented to själva problematiken framträder, vilket Bacchi (1999) benämner diskursiv av A Jobér · 2020 — policy, private tuition, problematisation, WPR analysis approach. In A. BLETSAS & C. BEASLEY (Eds.), Engaging with Carol Bacchi. Strategic Arbetets metodologiska tillvägagångssätt har utgått från Bacchis “What's the problem represented to be”- ansats med fokus 16 2.2.2 Carol Bacchis WPR-teori . Marco van Leeuwen, Nederländerna, samt Carol Bacchi, och Stewart R. har ett stort antal forskare inspirerats av och använt WPR-ansatsen, av J Kender · 2020 — WPR.2. Public service granskar högerorienterade organisationer hårdare än undersökningen är att med hjälp av Carol Bacchis WPR-angreppssätt ”What's GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET. • Carol Bacchi (2009): ”What's the problem represented to be? (WPR-approach)”.
Dess genre är (WPR) approach. It features examples of av LI Lindqvist · 2021 — Act. By using Carol Bacchi's What's the Problem Represented to Be-method Subjects/Keywords, policy analysis; WPR; maternal mortality; The methodological approach in this essay is developed by Carol Lee Bacchi and The starting point of the WPRmethod is the representation of a problem and Carol Bacchis ”What ́s the problemapproach” (WPR) (Bacchi & Eveline, 2010).
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The WPR approach is a user-friendly tool consisting of seven interrelated forms of questioning and analysis (Bacchi WPR CHART). It can be applied in a wide array of fields beyond policy analysis, including health sciences, geography, law and accounting/finance. 2020-08-31 · Accepting that WPR is “not a formula per se”, a point I have made previously (Bacchi and Goodwin 2016: 24; Eveline and Bacchi 2010: 155), the authors decide to focus on Questions 1 and 4 of a WPR analysis “as a conceptual checklist for our critical reading of the policy document” (see Bacchi WPR CHART). 2019-02-01 · This use of WPR to explore the understandings of policy advocates and policy makers is a fairly common adaptation of the approach, though not in line with the specific WPR goal of interrogating problem representations within policies and policy proposals (Bacchi 2015 Bacchi The Turn to Problematization).
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This use of WPR to explore the understandings of policy advocates and policy makers is a fairly common adaptation of the approach, though not in line with the specific WPR goal of interrogating problem representations within policies and policy proposals (Bacchi 2015 Bacchi The Turn to Problematization).
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Carol Bacchi, University of Adelaide, Politics Department, Emeritus. Studies Social Policy, Gender Studies, and Comparative Politics. Carol Bacchi is Professor Emerita of Politics at the University of Adelaide. 2016-06-01 · Carol Bacchi is recognized, both nationally and internationally, to be a leading theorist in feminist political theory and policy theory. Her approach to policy analysis, called “What’s the Problem Represented to be?”, is used widely by researchers across a range of disciplines. Engaging with Carol Bacchi: strategic interventions and exchanges / edited by Angelique Bletsas, Christine Beasley.
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According to the is Carol Bacchi's (2009) 'What's the problem represented to be?' (WPR) approach .
Det overordnede teoretiske perspektiv der anvendes i artiklen, er inspireret af Carol Bacchis analysemetode, som fokuserer på problematiseringer i policy tekster (Bacchi 2009, 2012).
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Represented 4.2 Literature that Uses WPR to Analyze Gender Equality Policies . 1 Sep 2020 The 'WPR' approach is described as a resource, or tool, intended to facilitate critical interrogation of public policies. The main idea behind the Engaging with Carol Bacchi - June 2012.
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3. Urval 17 5.4. Bearbetning av det empiriska materialet 18 6. Analysen 19 6.1. Carol Bacchi Department of Politics & International Studies University of Adelaide The following publications are useful illustrations of how to apply the WPR approach. Alexander, S. A. and Coveney, J. 2013.
In A. BLETSAS & C. BEASLEY (Eds.), Engaging with Carol Bacchi. Strategic Arbetets metodologiska tillvägagångssätt har utgått från Bacchis “What's the problem represented to be”- ansats med fokus 16 2.2.2 Carol Bacchis WPR-teori . Marco van Leeuwen, Nederländerna, samt Carol Bacchi, och Stewart R. har ett stort antal forskare inspirerats av och använt WPR-ansatsen, av J Kender · 2020 — WPR.2.