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Sprawdź tłumaczenia 'dextra' na język Polski. Zapoznaj się z przykładami tłumaczeń 'dextra' w zdaniach, posłuchaj wymowy i przejrzyj gramatykę. Tahmini okuma süresi: < 1 dakika Sinonim: Vena pulmonalis dextra inferior, right inferior pulmonary vein. Sağ akciğer alt toplardamarı.(Bkz; Vena) (Bkz; pulmonalis ) (Bkz; dekstra) (Bkz; inferior) Facebook Yorumları Truncus pulmonalis 5. Aorta ascendens 6. V. cava superior 7. Cor/ Auricula dextra 8.

A pulmonalis dextra

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The free margin of each valvula semilunaris is thickened centrally to form a nodulus valvulae semilunaris, and on each side of the nodulus is a fine rim called the lunula A pulmonary artery is an artery in the pulmonary circulation that carries deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs. The largest pulmonary artery is the main pulmonary artery or pulmonary trunk from the heart, and the smallest ones are the arterioles, which lead to the capillaries that surround the pulmonary alveoli. Ľudská pravá pľúcna tepna (lat. arteria pulmonalis dextra) je dlhšia a smeruje (za vzostupnou aortou a za hornou dutou žilou) do hilu pravého pľúcneho laloka. Delí sa na lobárne vetvy pre horný, stredný a dolný lalok pravých pľúc. Truncus pulmonalis starts from: ventriculus dexter behind: art.

AV valv. Vv pulmonalis/-es Auricula dextra. Auricula sinistra.

Strukturen i hjärtat av anatomi. Var är hjärtat av en persons

pulmonalis dextra/sinistra som följer med respektive bronk till loberna. 27 A. pulmonalis dextra 28 V. pulmonalis dextra superior 29 V. pulmonalis dextra inferior 30 V. cava inferior 31 V. interventricularis posterior 32 Sinus coronarius 33 A. coronaria sinistra, ramus circumflexus 34 V. coronaria sinistra 35 V. pulmonalis sinistra inferior 36 V. pulmonalis sinistra superior 37 A. pulmonalis sinistra Efter att blodet passerat atrium dexter kommer det till ventriculus dexter (höger kammare).

Cirkulationssystemet Flashcards by Frida Wettergren Röök

A pulmonalis dextra

26 Vena brachiocephalica sinistra. 27 Vena brachiocephalica dextra. 28 Trachea . 29 Desophagus. 30 Arteria pulmonalis sinistra. 31 Arteria pulmonalis dextra  Übersetzung und Formen zu right pulmonary artery RPA Arteria pulmonalis dextra im Latein Wörterbuch.

A pulmonalis dextra

Bokst. h på De halvmåneformade klaffseglen i valva aortae och valva trunci pulmonalis.
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A pulmonalis dextra

Transporterar syrefattigt blod. a pulmonalis dextra.

Not reviewed. Reviewing status. Approved The concept is approved by 3 experts and is locked for editing.
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Hur många gånger var den stora cirkelns cirkulationen. Stor

bronchoesophagea dextra and v. bronchoesophagea dextra.

Hur många gånger var den stora cirkelns cirkulationen. Stor

pulmonalis dextra from the truncus pulmonalis is hidden by the pars ascendens aortae. For clarity, all three illustrations in this series (A, C, D) show sites where the lamina visceralis of the pericardium is reflected to form the lamina parietalis.

i right pul·mo·nar·y ar·ter·y. [TA] the longer of the two terminal branches of the pulmonary trunk, it passes transversely across the midline in the superior mediastinum, passing inferior to the aortic arch to enter the hilum of the right lung as part of its root. Branches divide and are distributed with the segmental and subsegmental bronchi; sinus trunci pulmonalis Utbuktningar av lungartärstammens rot. Infäste för fickklaffarna. a pulmonalis dextra Högra lungartären bakom pars ascendens aortae.