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Finland — TradingView Musti group börsen

Insiderhandel. Aktie Kalender Bolag Insiderhandel Analyser. Aktuell kurs. Uppdaterad: 09-04.

Musti group aktie

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Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. Aktiepriset i samband med bolagets IPO kommer att ligga mellan 5,65 och 9,35 euro. Öresund har förvärvat aktier i Musti. Investment AB Öresund (publ) har, i samband med noteringen av Musti Group Plc (”Musti”) den 13 februari 2020 på Nasdaq Helsingfors, förvärvat 1.140.000 aktier i Musti motsvarande 3,4 procent av kapitalet och rösterna i Musti. Musti Group blev aktieägarnas bästa vän.

Aktie Kalender Bolag Insiderhandel Analyser.

Musti Group - Aktie detaljinfo

About Musti Group Oyj Musti Group Oyj provides pet food. The Company supplies a wide range of pet food products, treats and services.

Musti Group - Historiska Nyckeltal Börsdata

Musti group aktie

(Inloggning finner du i rullisten högst upp). Nyheter om Musti Group. Källa: Nyhetsbyrån Direkt  Aktieägare i de relaterade bolagen äger också aktier i Musti Group Oyj. Andelen 16 % anger hur många av Zoetis Inc-ägarna som även har Musti Group Oyj i sin portfölj. Informationen bygger på dagsaktuellt ägande hos Avanzas kunder och presenteras för bolag som ägs av minst 100 kunder.

Musti group aktie

klo 8.30 - 16.30) Puh. hinta: 8,4 snt/min, sis alv 24% The popular pet supplies chain Musti ja Mirri is planning an initial public offering IPO and listing shares on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.. The move would provide the parent company Musti Group with extra capital of up to €50 million for its growth strategy, according to a press release. About Musti Group Nordic Oy . We serve our Nordic customers in all channels through store chains Musti ja Mirri, Musti, Arken Zoo and Djurmagazinet, and through pureplay online retail brands such as Peten Koiratarvike, Vetzoo and Animail. Musti Group on Suomessa, Ruotsissa ja Norjassa toimiva lemmikkieläintarvikeyhtiö. Se on Pohjoismaiden suurin ja Euroopan neljänneksi suurin lemmikkitarvikeketju. Sen omisti ruotsalaisen Wallenberg-suvun pääomasijoitusyhtiö EQT. Helsingin pörssin päälistalle listautuva Musti Group on keskeyttänyt yleisö- ja henkilöstöantinsa maanantaina ylimerkinnän vuoksi.
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Musti group aktie

En potentiell affär ska enligt uppgifter vara värd minst 4 miljarder kronor.

Köp aktier i Musti Group Oyj - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank.
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Musti Group Forum Placera - Avanza

78 likes. Musti Group is the leading Nordic pet care company that operates an omnichannel business model to cater for the needs of pets and their parents across Finland, Sweden and Musti Group CEO David Rönnberg said the pet supply chain offers a wide assortment of goods and at some of its outlets, pet care services like grooming, training and veterinarian services. "People are increasingly treating their dogs and cats like members of their family, spending more on higher quality and more premium food, as well as a more diverse range of products and service. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Musti Group in brief Musti Group is the leading Nordic pet care company that operates an omnichannel business model to cater for the needs of pets and their parents across Finland, Sweden and Norway The company had 277 stores as at 30 September 2019 (including own and franchise stores) and 20.7 percent of its net sales were generated through its online channel for the financial year 2019. Musti Group, a leading petcare company operating in the Nordics and a long-time RELEX customer, has implemented RELEX’s markdown optimization solution for use in its over 200 stores across Finland, Sweden, and Norway. EQT Mid Market to acquire Musti ja Mirri Group Oy, the leading specialty retailer of pet food and accessories in Finland and Sweden; Strategy is to support continued growth through expansion of the store network across the Nordic region, further development of the online and omni-channel platform and continued expansion of adjacent pet related services Musti Group | 878 followers on LinkedIn.

Musti Group: Lockande tillväxt i husdjurens handelshus: 21

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Avvakta - Renewcell - Systemair - Thunderful Group - Vostok Emerging Finance . Sälj - Swedencare Senaste nytt om Dustin Group aktie. Dustin Group komplett bolagsfakta från * Börsvärdet beräknas genom att multiplicera den mest handlade aktiens pris med det totala antalet aktier för bolaget. Informationen är fördröjd med 15 minuter och levereras av Millistream.