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As a leading university in the Gulf, American University of Sharjah provides world-class, American-style liberal arts education for students from around the world As a leading university in the Gulf, American University of Sharjah provides world-class, American-style liberal arts education for students from around the world AU Access is requesting that you be authenticated. If you trust this service, enter your Auburn Username and Password below. Auburn University Auburn, Alabama Type in the address for email to be forwarded to and select whether to keep a copy of forwarded emails in your Office 365 email. Important emails from the University that are normally sent to your student email address, will now be sent to your preferred personal email address.

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Stay connected with the Microsoft community, where you’ll find programs, resources, and career opportunities to help students pursue careers in technology—or any other industry. How to access your student email Go to Student Mail and log in using your AUT student email address and network password*; or Select Outlook from the Office 365 app (or waffle) on Student Hub Online. Open a web browser and go to, and login using your UL email address ( and your computer account password, or alternatively click on the “My Mail" link in portal (default student web at log on). Student mail. How to access Office 365 e-mail off-campus .

Getting started · Student email, password and Wi-Fi access · Your  SiS is UMass Lowell's student information system and is used for everything from registering for classes, paying your bill, or viewing your financial aid package.

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Student mail aus

All communication from campus and academic staff will be sent to your student email account from Monday 27 July. Student email has been migrated to the new Office 365 cloud service - please check the Office 365 website for more information if you are a student.

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Go to:; Username: (i.e. your student number You will be directed to a Nelson Mandela University logon screen. Every year two out of three AUS students qualify for a grant or scholarship. Top 50 Under 50 University Ranked within the world’s top 50 universities under 50 years of age by QS World University Rankings. Students and educators at eligible institutions can sign up for Office 365 Education for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. Use your valid school email address to get started today.

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