Beacon log on 3542.5 kHz - Radio Rud
SKD comments 2009-06-20 - SCAG
Model: 588at . The company Dynamic Mic wired for Ten Tec Scout 555/556, Argonaut, Jupiter, Omni VI, Corsair. And now the fine print.. Condition:: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, microKEYER 2R+ (MK2R+) includes rig control interfaces for two supported radios (Elecraft, Icom, JRC, Kenwood, Ten-Tec, and Yaesu), independent PTT Jag skulle vilja veta lite mer om hur en Jupiter står sig i konkurrensen. Låter som en intressant rigg. Finns det nån i Linköpingstrakten som kan Storheter som CORSAIR-II, Paragon, OMNI VI och JUPITER har avlöst varandra med mycket goda resultat.
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Shipping shipping cost: please see our shipping cost within the eba. a new tentec offset stand for the omni vi have not tested this item hence spare & repair. TEN TEC - Facebook Ham radio. 2011-04-22 · The Jupiter web site ( said that the max voltage for the Jupiter was 14v. So, I sent an inquiry to Ten Tec explaining my situation. Scott Robbins, W4PA, the Ten Tec amateur product line manager, fielded my query.
For all Ten-Tec radios with the 2-pin white connector, including: Orion, Orion II. Jupiter.
Pin on Ham Radio
If you think about it, that is a rather stupid thing to ask. Jupiter—is a standalone radio that still manages to retain much of the flexibil-ity of its PC dependent sibling. Reviewed by Joe Bottiglieri, AA1GW Assistant Technical Edito r The evolutionary path that has led up to Ten-Tec’s latest HF transceiver—the Jupiter—has followed an interesting course.
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The Jupiter user 57600 baud 8,n,1 and hardware (RTS/CTS) Handshaking.
I am very familiar with the radio and
The Ten-Tec Jupiter is a real SDR, or Software Defined Radio. All the hubbub going on about the GNU Radio or SDR-1000 from FlexRadio does not excite me as
2 Jun 2014 Tag Archives: Ten-Tec Jupiter. The best general coverage transceivers for shortwave listening · 16 Replies. This article originally appeared in
My experiences with.
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Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Ten Tec USB Cat/Programming cable TenTec Jupiter Argonaut V Orion Pegasus Omni VII
25 Sep 2001 [TenTec] Microphones for Ten Tec (Jupiter) Transceivers drive my new Jupiter..
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Beacon log on 3542.5 kHz - Radio Rud
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The second step is the physical installations of the tuner into the Jupiter Ten Tec From the Yahoo groups, creating a mirror version here for anyone who wants to join! Thanks N2ZD At 02:52 PM 1/17/05 -0600, you wrote: Yet people like N4PY still seem to lots to improve. There is still much to be learned about DSP programming and new programming techniques are and functions not realizable in hardware are happening as we speak. Made a couple of errors i tuned the first time at 3 watts but it automatically tunes to 20 no matter what the power setting is, forgot to show the sweep.Spot 2006-06-18 – TenTec deep sixes the Jupiter 538 Without much, if any, announcement TenTec has quietly dropped the TenTec 538 Jupiter. Rumored for some months was TenTec likely dropping the model when supplies on had were depeleted of main boards and certain short supply components. I never use noise reduction on the Jupiter or Eagle, but NR1 is on all the time on the 590.
The new Jupiter is … View and Download Ten-Tec Jupiter 538 Series manual online. Upgrading the Jupiter PLD (Programmable Logic Device) to add support for a plug-in keyboard.