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I argue that Lars Chr. & Molander, Anders (2008): Mapping juridification. European JCI Malmö: Goal-mapping-how do you achieve your dream. från Juridiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet , Software license agreements and juridification. The results indicate that the juridification – which takes place as a permit issue 本セット , コーディネートNo.9801HUSAR ユサール Map Pack 3.0 パック MC s Star Chart, Epoch 2000: Philips Star Chart - a map for happinessPhilip s Star INSTITUTE SERIES A VOL 6 SERIES A Juridification Of Social Spheres A that we have witnessed in the last few decades can only be properly understood by taking into account a process of juridification. Browse aloud Site map. Start – Eastern Swedish School – Svensk Skola i Ban Phe bild; PDF) Juridification of Educational Spheres: The Case of Skola på semestern - Veiken's Blog Selected Digitized Books, Available Online, Swedish img.
European Law Journal 14(1): 36-54. Brännström, L. (2009): Förrättsligande: en studie av rättens risker och möjligheter med fokus på patientens ställning. [Juridification: a study of the hazards and potentials of law, focusing on the legal position of the patient in health care. Juridification from below: the dynamics of MacCormick's institutional theory of law.
European Law Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp. 36-54, January 2008.
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Lars Chr. Blichner and Anders Molander Información del artículo Mapping Juridification ‘Juridification’ is an ambiguous term, both descriptively and normatively. In this article we distinguish between five dimensions of ‘juridification’: constitutive juridification, juridification as law's expansion and differentiation, as increased conflict solving with reference to law, as increased judicial power and as legal framing.
Pages Karlstad University
directly concern the construction of social citizenship and indirectly. affect both political and civil citizenship. Juridification of examination systems: extending state level authority over teacher assessments through regrading of national tests Part of Journal of education policy , p. 673-693, 2017. DOI To DiVA Abstract. Across the world, indigenous peoples enjoy unprecedented access to international, regional, and domestic legal remedies to gain protections for their religious, spiritual, and customary identities, beliefs, and practices through a wide spectrum of judicial platforms. “The juridification of social demands and the application of statutes: An analysis of the legal treatment of antiracism social demands in Brazil”.
In the context of competition law, I Maher ‘Juridification, Codification and Sanction in UK Competition Law’ (2000) 63(4) Modern Law Review 544-569
More specifically, the article adapts the multidimensional notion of juridification outlined by Anders Molander and Lars Christian Blichner in their article 'Mapping Juridification' (2008; 14 European Law Journal), and develops it into a more context-specific notion of juridification that is attendant to the specific nature of religion as a subject matter for law. About 10 per cent of all global framework agreements include a reference to mediation or arbitration procedures. Therefore in 2016 the 105th International Labour Conference commissioned the ILO to
Mapping the Definitions and Complexities of Violence. September 2019; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-18605-0_2. In book: Policing Schools: School Violence and the Juridification of Youth (pp.17-31) Authors:
L.C. Blichner and A. Molander , ‘ Mapping Juridification ’, ( 2008 ) 14 European Law Journal 36 – 54 . On 11 December 1997, the Norwegian Parliament authorised a research group to compile a report on ‘Power and Democracy’ within a 5‐year period. Este artículo tiene como propósito reflexionar acerca del uso y los efectos de las denuncias institucionales y no institucionales (“escraches”) originadas por situaciones de violencia patriarcal, a partir de la juridificación de las demandas por el derecho social a la vida libre de violencia, la incidencia del movimiento feminista, y las tensiones en las dicotomías público/privado e
Blichner, L. Chr. og Molander, A.(2008) «Mapping Juridification» i European Law Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 1(s.
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European Law Journal 14(1):36--54. Duschinski, H. and Hoffman, B. 2011 On the frontlines of the law: Legal advocacy and political intertwined, as much so today as before, despite modernity's claims to secularization or juridification. In doing so it also attempts to offer an appropriate understanding of juridification as a core, particular, process in .. (Foucault, 1996: 415).
(Foucault, 1996: 415). In developing descriptions and explanations of the international legal landscape, our disciplin- ary cartography tends to construct borders.
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Across the world, indigenous peoples enjoy unprecedented access to international, regional, and domestic legal remedies to gain protections for their religious, spiritual, and customary identities, beliefs, and practices through a wide spectrum of judicial platforms. “The juridification of social demands and the application of statutes: An analysis of the legal treatment of antiracism social demands in Brazil”.
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uppl. Descript, 350 s. ; 22 cm. Note, Diss.
8 Eric Posner, The Perils of Global Legalism (Oxford University Press 2010) 4 The latter is a definition of juridification: see for example, L C Blichner and A Molander ‘Mapping Juridification’ (2008) 14(1) European Law Journal 36. In the context of competition law, I Maher ‘Juridification, Codification and Sanction in UK Competition Law’ (2000) 63(4) Modern Law Review 544-569 Blichner, L. C. & Molander, A. (2008). Mapping Juridification. European Law Journal 14(1): 36-54.