reproduction - Swedish translation – Linguee


Reaction products of... - Substance Information - ECHA - IUCLID

The packaging of a substance has the word 'SENSITISER' on it. This means that: You could become allergic to it and have allergic reactions It should not be used under any circumstances It is perfectly safe to use without personal protective equipment (PPE) It must be mixed with water before you can use it There is no specific concentration limit applicable to the sensitising substance. The percentage of the sensitiser is below the generic concentration limit (of ≥1.0%) in Table 3.4.5 of Annex I of the EC Regulation 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP) that would trigger the classification of the mixture as a respiratory sensitiser, but above the concentration … Princeton's WordNet (3.00 / 1 vote) Rate this definition: sensitizer, sensitiser (noun) (chemistry) a substance other than a catalyst that facilitates the start of a catalytic reaction. sensitiser - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sensitiser Definition (noun) (chemistry) a substance other than a catalyst that facilitates the start of a catalytic reaction 2016-01-13 The packaging of products containing 0.1% of a sensitizer must bear the inscription “Contains ‘name of sensitizer’. May produce an allergic reaction.” The aim is to protect individuals already sensitized by providing information which enables them to avoid products containing ingredients which may … 2018-09-02 Substances can be classified as skin sensitisers if there is evidence from experimental tests or in humans that the substance can lead to sensitisation by skin contact.

Sensitiser mean on the packaging of a substance

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A respiratory sensitiser is a substance which when inhaled can trigger an irreversible allergic reaction in the respiratory system. Once this sensitisation reaction has taken place, further exposure to the substance, even to the tiniest trace, may produce symptoms. 27th March, 2019. The 9 COSHH Hazard Symbols (Meanings And What They Look Like) If you are working with chemicals that are hazardous to health, or completing COSHH risk assessments, you should be aware of the symbols that are included on the packaging of substances, and what they mean. Respiratory sensitising (Sr) – Recognised respiratory sensitiser: comes from a harmonised C&L classifying the substance as Resp.

The European Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures – the CLP Regulation – came into force in all EU member states, including the UK, on 20 January 2010. The CLP Regulation: adopts in the EU the Globally Harmonised System (GHS) on the classification and labelling of chemicals; (2) Directives 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 and 1999/45/EC and amendments presenting requirements for testing, classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances and preparations, esp.

Contact allergy to aluminium Siemund, Ingrid - LU Research

In contrast to respiratory irritation, respiratory sensitization is an immunological response to previous exposure to a chemical. A substance that will induce an allergic response following skin contact.

Contact allergy to aluminium Siemund, Ingrid - LU Research

Sensitiser mean on the packaging of a substance

From information in the Classification and Labelling Inventory, there are over 14 000 substances on the EU market with some indication of a skin sensitising concern.

Sensitiser mean on the packaging of a substance

Little Pro on 2017-11-08 Views: . A chemical substance will be classified as a skin sensitizer if there is reliable human evidence or positive results from an appropriate animal test.
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Sensitiser mean on the packaging of a substance

The Substances known to cause cancer are called carcinogens. Coming into contact with a carcinogen does not mean you will get cancer.

The purpose of the harmonised criteria for classification of respiratory and skin sensitisers is GHS Classification Criteria for Skin Sensitization. Little Pro on 2017-11-08 Views: . A chemical substance will be classified as a skin sensitizer if there is reliable human evidence or positive results from an appropriate animal test.
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What does sensitizer mean? Information and translations of sensitizer in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

reproduction interdite - Swedish translation – Linguee

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions. Links to industry guidance, forms and inventories for food packaging and food contact substances. 2013-01-10 · 1. Introduction. Identification or categorization of sensitizing chemicals to skin is an important process in chemical risk assessment. Current classifications of skin sensitizers have mostly been achieved using the mouse local lymph node assay (LLNA) and guinea pig tests, including the Buehler test or guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) (Kimber et al., 1995, Kimber and Weisenberger, 1989 What does PTNSR mean?

b: a substance that sensitizes the skin on first contact so that subsequent contact causes inflammation A sensitizer is defined by OSHA as "a chemical that causes a substantial proportion of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical." Definition of sensitizer in the dictionary. Meaning of sensitizer. What does sensitizer mean? Information and translations of sensitizer in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. A respiratory sensitiser is a substance which when inhaled can trigger an irreversible allergic reaction in the respiratory system. Once this sensitisation reaction has taken place, further exposure to the substance, even to the tiniest trace, may produce symptoms. 27th March, 2019.