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In computer networking, the Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM (PPPoA) is a layer 2 data-link protocol typically used to connect domestic broadband modems to ISPs via phone lines. It is used mainly with DOCSIS and DSL carriers, by encapsulating PPP frames in ATM AAL5 . PPP (engl. Point-to-Point Protocol) koristi se za izravno povezivanje dvaju čvorova računalne mreže.Omogućuje povezivanje računala serijskim, telefonskim ili optičkim kabelom, pomoću mobilnih telefona te posebno oblikovanom radio ili satelitskom vezom.

Wiki ppp protocol

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RouterOS supports BCP (Bridge Control Protocol) for PPP, PPTP, L2TP and PPPoE interfaces. BCP allows to bridge Ethernet packets through the PPP link. Established BCP is independent part of the PPP tunnel, it is not related to any IP address of PPP interface, bridging and routing can happen at the same time independently. 2021-04-08 · While not as integral to PPP Protocol as the above three aspects, hosts running PPP can create what is known as “magic numbers” that can be used to diagnose a connection’s overall health. To do this, any PPP host can generate a random 32-bit number and send it out to the remote endpoint during both the LCP negotiation process and echo exchanges.

more more more more The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol ( PPTP) is an obsolete method for implementing virtual private networks.

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Wiki ppp protocol

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) is commonly used in establishing a direct connection between two networking nodes.It can provide connection authentication, transmission encryption, and compression. Se hela listan på Das Protokoll LCP (Link Control Protocol) ist ein Begriff aus der Informatik.. Dieses Protokoll wird verwendet, um eine Datenverbindung bei einer PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) Verbindung zu konfigurieren, aufzubauen und zu prüfen. Protocolo punto a punto (PPP) (en inglés Point-to-Point Protocol), es un protocolo del nivel de enlace de datos, utilizado para establecer una conexión directa entre dos nodos de una red. Conecta dos enrutadores directamente sin ningún equipo u otro dispositivo de red entre medias de ambos. Está estandarizado en el documento RFC 1661.

Wiki ppp protocol

The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is a type of?link access protocol?. Alternatives: HDLC Link Control Protocol (LCP) Authentication protocols: Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) Configuring PPP authentication PPP debugging information See PPP-based protocols negotiate IPv4 and IPv6 support when the link is established.
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Wiki ppp protocol

Används i  ICMP som är en förkortning för Internet Control Message Protocol är ett protokoll som används för ruting Lista på Wikipedia med portar inom TCP och UDP:.

A Pont-pont protokoll (általánosan használt rövidítéssel: PPP az angol Point-to-Point Protocol kifejezésből) egy magas szintű adatkapcsolati protokoll kétpontos vonalakhoz.
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checks the identity of the linked device and either accepts or rejects the In computer networking, Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) is a Network Control Protocol (NCP) for establishing and configuring Internet Protocol over a Point-to-Point Protocol link.


192 fildelning och the Protocol) för förmedling av trafiken. eftersom nätverket inte är optimerat för en viss tillämpning individuell uppkoppling till internet och därefter sent 1994 PPP-protokollet som används än  Internet Protocol Security är en uppsättning protokoll som tillhandahåller autentisering PPPoE bygger på två vitt accepterade standarder: PPP och Ethernet.

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