Mossarter iakttagna på Hörjelgårdens marker
Kärlväxter, Lavar, Mossor & Svampar - Arboretum Norr
Tetraphis pellucida. 2005-06-01. Kristoffer Hylander. Cirkelmossa.
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Sanionia uncinata. Blätter Blätter Blattbasis Blattbasis Blattbasis Blattbasis Blattspitzen Zellen der Blattbasis Sanionia uncinata was correlated with the highest concentrations of Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, and Pb in its tissues. Sanionia uncinata from site 10 was correlated with the highest concentration of Mn. This site was situated within heath vegetation but in a close vicinity of wetland vegetation occupied by birds, mostly those feeding at sea. Sanionia uncinata is a dominant moss species in the maritime Antarctic. Due to its high adaptability to harsh environments, this extremophile plant has been considered a good target for studying the molecular adaptation mechanisms of plants to a variety of environmental stresses. Despite the importance of S. uncinata as a representative Antarctic plant species for the identification and Background One of the most extreme environments on our planet is the Maritime Antarctic territory, due to its low-water availability, which restricts the development of plants.
Sphagnum centrale krattvitmossa.
Naturvårdsplanen del B - Höganäs kommun
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The nitrogen fixation potential of arctic cryptogram species is
Tetraphis Sanionia uncinata, metsäkamppisammal / TK, AP, HA Schistidium agassizii, koskipaasisammal / TK Schistidium apocarpum, rauniopaasisammal / TK, AP, HA Sanionia uncinata. Atrichum undulatum vågigsågmossa cypressfläta.
Lathyrus humilis.
Invånare filipstads kommun
Large species with S. uncinata · cirkelmossa.
Pictures of Bryophytes from Europe [CD-ROM]. Published by the author. Usage
Photo - image of Sickle-leaved Hook-moss (Sanionia uncinata). Free use by schools, etc., paid use 30 - 60 EUR / photo.
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Schistidium, blommossor.
Page 1 Artlista - Artportalen 2017-07-09 11:43 Artlista 681
Carbon dioxide exchange measurements were made using an infra-red gas analyser under ambient environmental conditions (CO 2 concentration, 363–370 p.p.m.; air temperature, 12–15°C) at near optimum hydration on sunny d Sanionia uncinata grows in soil with continuous water supply, while P. alpinum grows in sandy, non-flooded soils. Desiccation and rehydration experiments were carried out to test for differences in the rate of water loss and uptake, with non-structural carbohydrates analysed to test their role in these processes. The Antarctic moss Sanionia uncinata is an important source of antioxidants and the photoprotective activity of its organic extracts has been investigated. This study aimed to evaluate the potential photoprotection, cytotoxicity and embryotoxicity of residual aqueous fraction (AF) from the moss S. uncinata. Sanionia uncinata In February 2005, Lars Hedenäs led a very successful taxonomic workshop at Cambridge on the species traditionally considered members of the Amblystegiaceae. Some of his slides dealing with members of this group known to occur in Britain and Ireland can now be viewed as a taxonomic resource for those interested in this group.
Amblystegiaceae, Sanionia uncinata, Sanionia moss. Amblystegiaceae, Warnstorfia exannulata, Warnstorfia moss.